Sunday, October 19, 2008


This was done back in 2005 for a Theater 101 class that I took. We had to make a fictional poster for a play of our choice that we had read that year. I chose the scene when Hamlet talks to the skull of his friend Yorick. Pretty creepy but it made for an interesting image. Pen and ink on strathmore. My professor liked it very much and commented on something about the moon representing his father and the distance between them since his murder or something like that. Truth is I just wanted to draw a moon and all the unused space is just due to the fact that I didn't want to fill it all in with crosshatching.


Lott said...

I like the way you used white space. So what if it also was convenient.

I think I'm going to have to get in touch with my dark side for when we work on a book together.

Mike and Kelli said...

This one looks like it could go nicely with a Shel Silverstein poem.

Anonymous said...

Tight dude!

You got skills!

I understand what you mean now about the robot voices...

and I agree.

Anonymous said...

I love how people always read more into the art than the artist intended.